Our Philosophy

We start with a top-down perspective, assessing macro, policy, and regulation to identify key trends. We then layer in a bottoms-up investment analysis to produce a well-balanced portfolio.

lumida’s five pillars

Hypothesis-Based Approach

We test our hypotheses using data-based counterarguments related to macro scenarios, the regulatory landscape, and the lessons of history.

Independent Investment Advice

We strive to identify and align our client’s investments with multi-decade investment trends we believe will create opportunities for lasting, exponential change.

Investments Are Built, Not Made

Execution is everything. We look for capable operators with a record of accomplishment. We evaluate the experience and capabilities of operators to execute on their roadmap.

Separating Good from Great

We combine tested financial analysis frameworks with decades of operating experience in an attempt to identify the highest caliber managers and digital asset investments.

Humility in the Face of Uncertainty

Humility means focusing on knowing what you don’t know rather than what you know. Humility creates a respect for discipline and risk management in the investment process.

Expertise & Capabilities


Lumida develops long-term investment mandates for clients to build diversifled portfolios of alternative investments in blockchain technology.


Lumida develops alternative and innovative yield strategies with duration and volatility tailored to the investment objectives of our clients.


Lumida constructs diversifled portfolios of individual digital assets that align with the investment objectives, risk tolerance levels, and liquidity requirements of each client.


The Lumida Tribe - financial partners, operators, and investors - facilitates client access to direct early-stage venture investments, hedging strategies through structured notes and derivatives, opportunistic co-investments, and real-world-asset-based investments.

Invest beyond the ordinary to achieve the extraordinary

Lumida delivers institutional, data-driven investment insights and an unwavering dedication to meet the needs of our clients.

Lumida is the trusted advisor for investment leaders. We bring deep experience from market-leading firms in digital assets and traditional finance including Cross River, Anchorage and Merrill Lynch.


as seen in: